Back in May I was lucky enough to be guest listed at a Will and the People show for one of the support acts, at O2 Academy Islington. I knew of the band and hoped they'd play the one song I knew and liked. I had no idea what to expect, having gone into this rather blind and unknowing the band properly. I was very, ultimately, impressed by WATP, but not so much the experience.
The band themselves are great performers. Rather cocky, English, in-their-minds-they're-rockstars kind of performers, and it pays off. It was obvious also that they'd been drinking heavily prior to performing, and often drinking a lot on stage too. For some, they don't like it, for others, they don't care. I didn't care too much at all, but it clearly enhanced the somewhat extremity of confidence portrayed on stage.
What I loved about this band live was that they know exactly how to interact with a crowd and they sound identical to their recordings. Both things are so important when you're a performing artist, and the love they have for the music they make and music in general is very clear and obvious in general. It was almost infectious, contagious.

Now, before I mention what I was insanely unhappy about, none of this is in regards to the band, nor the fault of the band, but when I see people live, I comment on my experiences and that's simply what this next bit is.
Behind me was a group of roughly twenty year olds. They were drunk and high before even entering the building. They were almost kicked out before the show even started with the support acts. During the bands set, several people within this group physically assaulted and harassed me. It was a shame, to me, because I was genuinely enjoying the band and their performance. But these people, who were on the guest list for the band itself, made my night hell.
Overall, the band is great live, and very festival-esque. But this crowd is not for everyone, and if you're not up for a crowd and band drinking heavily, then I do not recommend going. Not every crowd nor every fan will be this way, but it was one I unfortunately experienced.