ME: You only just started releasing music within the last year; how has the journey been so far?
MIKAYLA PASTERFIELD: I think it's been so quick! A lot has happened in a small amount of time but it has been good thing after good thing so it's great and I'm very grateful!
M: You’ve already gained quite a bit of traction; did you expect that?
MP: Definitely not! I was just writing music for myself and my emotions and it seems like people genuinely resonate with that, which is lovely.
M: What made you finally take the leap to release music?
MP: I think music was a way of me dealing with things. It wasn't what I always thought I'd do, but something I'm so happy to be doing now.
M: You’ve performed at festivals, gigs, etc; what has that experience been like for you?
MP: It's been amazing! Seeing the way people react in person is really unlike anything else. It's something I'm still getting used to but I've ennjoyed every time I've done it
M: What’s been your favourite performance you’ve done so far?
MP: Definitely opening for Laurel in Brisbane! I was so honoured to do that for/with them and it was so fun!

M: I love bindi in the dirt; what inspired it?
MP: Thank you! It was basically about meeting someone where I knew it wouldn't end well, that it would be a really painful situation, but still diving into it regardless. (I believe my exact response to this was 'been there done that girl').
M: Has music always something you’ve loved growing up?
MP: I think so yes! Definitely as I got older I loved it more and more, resonating with new and different artists, ya know?
M: Who would you say are your biggest inspirations in music?
MP: Noah Kahan and also Dodie Clark when I was younger. Noah's music is so good and he makes country/indie/folk music so innovative and modern, which is what I love about it. (We went back and forth about our mutual love for Noah after this).
M: Can we expect any new music soon?
MP: Hopefully! I'm always making stuff so fingers crossed! (update: 'I will be releasing some stuff in January!')
M: I like to end on a fun one; if you could do your first collab with anyone who would it be and why?
MP: Noah Kahan! I love him, I think he's amazing, he's toured everywhere but here (update: he's officially touring where Mikayla is and we discussed how happy this made her). I think with Christmas coming up, we should make a Christmas song. Baubles in the dirt?
M: You might get sued by Mariah Carey.
MP: Noah will help me battle Mariah Carey, I'm sure, that's the kind of guy he is!
