Before Wallows came on stage last week, MAY-A was set to come on stage with her band. The first thing you need to know is that every gay person in the crowd felt as if they were dreaming; this group is full of stunning talented people.
I went into this blinded. I knew nothing of her or her music and I didn't know what to expect. Truthfully, despite not expecting anything, my expectations were still somewhat met somehow. There's no doubt - MAY-A can sing. Is her voice anything new or especially special? Not necessarily. But one thing that MAY-A can do is sing flawlessly whilst practically doing a work out. The amount of dancing and moving she does is insane and yet not a single note in her singing is flawed - it is beyond impressive.
The rest of MAY-A's band are also insanely talented. It's clear from their faces that they're so genuinely passionate about what they're doing, singing along to the lyrics even when they're not the ones singing. The chemistry between all of them is also one that I haven't seen too often amongst bands, hugging, ruffling hair and dancing all over each other. These people know how to put on a show.

An element of MAY-A's music that was very strong throughout was the instrumental's of all her music. The guitar riffs, the backing tracks, all of it was beyond strong. It was very easy to lose yourself in her music, and it was perfectly fitting for a crowd of Wallows fans.
Not just that but MAY-A actually dedicated a song to the LGBTQ+ community and encouraged the crowd to show our love and care to those around us. As I've mentioned a thousand times, its always warming to hear artists use their platform for something so meaningful and heartfelt. To feel that support from this band was sweet, and also created a really lovely safe space.
Overall, this performance pushed me to listen to MAY-A's music, which always is a great sign. I would love to see them perform again and see how much their personalities shine through once more. I definitely recommend seeing her live!