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Remember the song to the first kissing scene in Killing Eve? Interview with The Mistys.

Writer: AdminAdmin

Band, The Misty's, spring to popularity after song 'Bite Marks' is used for the first kiss, long awaited, in number one TV show, Killing Eve. Below is our interview:

ME: A lot of your music revolves around pregnancy or surrogacy or the womb. Why has this become a very specific theme you touch on?

THE MISTYS: In our studio we have a lot of post-it notes and index cards where we write two word poems, these are usually contradictory or open to many different meanings and we use these for titles. Pregnant Mannequin came from this source. Thinking back to when we were making the album a few friends were starting families so perhaps this was a subconscious influence.

Womb on the other hand uses the word in a more abstract sense, more of a place of belonging, a group of people who are always there for you even if your actions push against them. It’s a song about unconditional love.

M: Your music has obviously become very large very suddenly due to Bite Marks being used for the first kiss scene in Killing Eve. How were you approached, if at all, for your music to be used on that?

TM: Catherine Grieves, who is the musical supervisor for the show, got in touch with the possibility of using the track in season three, but the producers decided to go down another path. We were surprised when Catherine was in touch again and this time the track was picked up.

M: How does it now feel that it has been used and has had a lot of appreciation towards it?

TM: It’s a little strange to be honest, as being involved with a scene fans of the show have longed to see has totally changed the song. We can only equate it with a cut-up/montage where these two separate pieces have been placed together to create a third thing. The song will now always be associated with the show and no longer belongs to us.

M: What inspired your band name?

TM: The name sprang from an inside joke. There was a run of movies from the 80’s where there was always a character who was pure of heart and seemed to be called Misty. We were surprised it hadn’t been used before so we ran with it. The archetype Misty would be Goldie Hawn, someone who brings joy to the world, is pure of heart and never afraid to be who they are.

M: Your Instagram is brand new, and your music is still fairly recent. When did you become a musician/band?

TM: We played together in a punk band which unfortunately fell apart when the third member, Jack, moved. The two of us wanted to carry on working together and pursued a more electronic path. Our first album ‘Redemption Forest’ was released nine years ago so we don’t feel like a new band! We are just a little slow with the social media side of things!

M: Was music always what you wanted to do?

TM: We have structured our lives so that we have the time and space to make music as much as we can. We are both involved in other projects outside of The Mistys which means that we are always working on music in some way.

M: What are your next goals with your music? Can we expect any new music this year?

TM: The new visibility that has come with Killing Eve is something we would like to build upon. We have always been a DIY type project, the two of us doing everything from recording, designing the sleeves and posting out the records. It would be nice to get other people involved to help us reach a larger audience.

We spent the last year recording a new album which we are trying to figure out how best to release. So hopefully you will be hearing this soon.

M: Will you be touring any time soon?

TM: As the last year was spent recording the new album and the uncertain terrain of whether live performances could happen, touring was something we hadn't been thinking about. We are starting to rehearse again and will be for hire to anyone interested.

M: I like to end on a fun one; obviously your music has been used in Killing Eve - if your music could be used in any other show or film which would you like it to be used in and why?

TM: If a film/TV series of ‘The Familiars’ by Stacy Hall was made we’d be interested in writing music for that, or anything with Goldie Hawn.




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