To say it was a nightmare to get to this concert... would be typical, because it was London on a Friday night amidst awful weather and after numerous train strikes. So I was six songs late - usually, I would mind, but I turned up right as all my favourite songs were due. As you can imagine, I therefore can't really comment on how good that fraction of the gig went. But the rest, I absolutely can.
I was genuinely thrilled to be going to the Roundhouse because I love it there but this was my first time going into the venue for a concert, and although I don't think I got the full experience I would have liked, being right at the back, I think it was the perfect venue for a band like RKS.
As I like to always say, it's a relief when singers and bands sound exactly how they do when you stream them. The harmonies, the individual sounds created, they're so beautiful in general, but live? It was absolutely magical. They recreate their own music with such elegance that often feels rare.

Unfortunately, it still goes heavily surprising when a band stops a show to help out those in a crowd. Several times, RKS did this, for minutes on end, then got right back to the exact chord they had stopped at. It's safe to say these people are professionals at their finest.
Their stage presence wasn't the best I'd ever seen, but it was definitely up there. They sang at each other, jumped off of equipment, dropped to the floor like it was made of pillows, and danced as awkwardly and authentically as anyone would. It was delightful. One thing that separated this show from others was the love I felt in the room. The crowd was so varied and everyone really felt pulled together. Lighting of the LGBT+ flag during several songs, it was clear this was meant to feel just like a safe space.
I highly recommend seeing RKS live, they are an absolute sensation, in love with their music and creations so much so that it communicates beautifully from the stage to the crowd with a soft flow.
