I settle down in a corner coffee-cocktail shop in Shoreditch with a bitter hot coffee, thanking whatever higher power there is that I not only got there in time to get a table during the bustling hours, but also that I was warm on such a cold London day. Ten minutes later, BIZZY and Nicolette walk in with big smiles, searching for my face. I get up and we hug as they come over. Immediately, I'm met with a sense of ease from their kindness and beaming positivity. So, we got right into it:
ME: You started in song writing - what urged you to start to release music for yourself?
BIZZY: So it's funny I always wanted to be an artist but I was so scared. I started writing songs and it was always one of those things on the back burner, because I was always an athlete, I was training all the time until I injured my back. At the same time I got more called the music, so I leaned more into that and started writing songs. I was like sixteen where I had no idea how to do it but I knew I was going to do it, and I started to look up music schools, and I applied got in never visited and just hoped it works. I was scared to put myself out there as an artist, so I wrote for others for three years. I'm so glad I took that time though because it taught me so much about working with others and how to write. During COVID was when I decided to do it, my fear was no reason at all to hold me back. I reached out to some people, wrote for myself for a year and a half but nothing felt right until Anybody, my first song, which felt like me in a song. I filmed a tiktok for it and it just happened to do really well!
M: So far you only have 3 singles out. Can we expect an EP or some new releases soon?
B: Yes! I've been teasing on tiktok a lot, something coming out on march 24th! It's upbeat, it's gunna bring the Anybody's fans back into things, it's about my ex, it's so specific, which is fun - I'll definitely get a phone call!
M: Your newest single has a cover that’s arguably a bit more creative than your others. Did you come up with the idea for it?
B: Yes! The Just Yet one was the county line between where I lived and my boyfriend at the time lived so it was actually really sentimental. For Anybody, we went to the photographer and in his trash was this cracked mirror. The tears though, I bought hundreds from amazon to get the exact ones I wanted. I said lets try use it with the mirror and it just happened to be the photo we loved.
M: You’ve mentioned some of your inspirations like Taylor swift and Rainbow Kitten Surprise. What is it you’ve taken from these artists that you wish to implement in your work?
B: It's funny, I grew up growing up to those kinds of bands like The Fray, then in high school I listened to Country because my boyfriend at the time and family loved Country. The songwriting in general in Country is just so much more simple so it was a great place for me to start with writing. When I started writing though, it started to go more into pop. I realised I was going back to what I was originally into. I think that music has inspired me so much to write about stories and texturise where you are.

M: You’ve also mentioned how you chose the name BIZZY and how it’s linked to your dad. Are your family a big part of why you make music?
B: The opposite actually! When I started getting interested in singing they all thought I was insane because even though I was outgoing if it came to performing I looked like I was gunna puke. My dad has always been my harshest critic because he's such a perfectionist but looking back it prepared me so much for normal things like people not liking my music. They're so supportive now - when I told my dad I was using BIZZY and at first he said he didn't know if people would get it, but now he takes credit for it!
M: What has it been like being in London and performing here?
B: It's my first time in London and it's been incredible, I've gained so much independence here already even though it's been a few days. The culture and y'alls accents... I'm obsessed! You guys care so much more about living life, and have a better work x social life balance, you give so much more time to those around you and small things like going and chilling and getting a coffee for example. The shows were awesome as well!
M: How does the UK differ to the US for you in terms of performing or the music scene that you’ve experienced so far?
B: Because I'm so new to the artist thing, my first show was last May. Every show I've performed until now has been like friends and family cheering me on. A good handful in London were a good handful of actual fans who came to see me, some even travelled, and that was so crazy. It's great, cause you have to learn how to win the crowd over!
M: What is the music industry like specifically in Maryland - is there a community, good support within the industry etc?
B: I love the community there, it's so welcoming and everyone champions you. Everyone's so willing to help someone, you meet someone and then you know all their friends and you're doing loads of writes and shows together, etc.
M: What do you want people to take away from your music when they listen to it?
B: The biggest thing is 'human'. I try to be so authentic. People ask what I'm missing from my catalogue but I can't do that, I have to write what I'm feeling. I never wanna be a bop artist where she only writes summer songs, just want to be very organic and not paint a false picture of myself.
M: I like to end on a fun one. What songs are on repeat for you at the moment?
B: Oh great great great! A new song by Grace Enger called The Neighbourhood, it's her first song and I'm pretty sure I'm all her streams - Play Dumb by Sam McPherson and Dancing All Alone by Clinton Kane are like my top three right now, you should definitely look them up!
We spent the rest of our afternoon talking about Tarot cards and the way of life and its 'coincidences' over coffee and loud upbeat music. Meeting BIZZY and Nicolette was lovely, because they were lovely. Look out for BIZZY's new music dropping NEXT WEEK, March 24th!
