Greer, indie band made up of well-known online personalities Josiah, Seth, Lucas and Corbyn, came to the UK for a few shows back in May. I was extremely excited to see them live, not only did I love their songs, but I loved them as people, having grown up the past few years religiously watching their YouTube videos and getting invested in who they are and their lives, alongside other names like Enya, Drew, and Orion.
But be fooled not, this band is here for the music. Often times, people who form platforms dive into other creative pursuits, and I don't blame them. But a lot of the time, they're not passionate about what they're doing - nor are they very good. Greer, on the other hand, have clearly always had the goal of music in sight. The passion this group shares is quite literally contagious.
I was lucky enough to talk to the band and introduce myself and get to know them a bit (they followed me... crying perhaps). Josiah is full of energy and kindness, and I think sometimes I go into things reminding myself there's always a possibility that the artist could be an absolute asshole. Most of the time, like this time, I was pleasantly relieved. Seth, Corbyn and Lucas are equally as lovely and kind, and very energetic at that too, especially on stage, Seth and Lucas almost have a spark about them - they go crazy. It's brilliant.

Live, the band sound exactly as their recordings do, but they have a way of interacting with the crowd that is special and fun, and makes the experience for us lot in the crowd a lot more unique and significant. Josiah went from screaming Gemma Collins to fuck Boris Johnson in the matter of seconds, and I personally appreciated the British general knowledge going on.
What was special about this band was seeing them share glances as if to say, we've made it. They adore what they do, and it shows. They're also extremely affectionate to fans, thanking them personally, meeting them willingly, hugging them despite being covered in sweat - Greer is a band that gives.
If you get the chance to see Greer live, please take it and enjoy it. This band will continue to grow and grow and be loved world wide, being able to see them and meet them in such a small and personal capacity will soon be rare, so do what you can to wiggle your way into a concert of their's asap!r